Book publicaton Edition Lammerhuber
On the book jacket:
»Stefan Enders started to discover his very own Europe.
In seven months he circumnavigated Europe, 31,000 kilometers along the external borders of the European Union. Enders photographed more than 200 people in his 151 portraits. The result is a homage to the people of this Europe, a poetic-critical discussion full of sympathy and charisma.«
From the introduction text:
»TWENTY-FIVE YEARS after the division of Europe into East and West had been consigned to history and people could travel freely across the EU without checks, I wanted to tell people’s stories – not stories that everyone knows already, about how people live in Europe’s heartlands, but stories from Europe’s borders and far-flung regions: Far from Brussels.
When I set off for Scotland in my caravan in March 2015 at the start of my seven-month journey around the EU’s external border, I could never have guessed just how controversial and topical the question of Europe would become during that very year.«
Edition Lammerhuber
Format 24 x 29
336 pages
180 photos
Hardcover, Linen
ISBN 978 -3 - 903101 - 24 - 1
Link to Edition Lammerhuber – to book order
Text is available for download in English
German Photobook Award 2018/19:
»This award honours the outstanding photographic quality of the prizewinning book.«
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung:
»A great book! Because it confronts us with an abundance of life and the traces of life that leaves us amazed.«
STERN magazine about the portaits: »They embody the diversity of the continent: its wealth even in misery and
STERN-magazine writes about the portrait series:
»They symbolise the diversity of the continent: its wealth even in misery and poverty.«
»All those - whether refugee, social worker, student or director - he wanted to show the same respect. The photographer met people like writer Rafat Dominik from Cisna, Breton teacher Martine Kervestin from Brest or emergency doctor Agostino Cuppari from Sicily. They all paint a very personal picture of Europe together.«
He wants to discover his continent of Europe with his camera. A continent that has changed so dramatically in these times.
FAR FROM BRUSSELS on Tagesthemen, German first public television broadcaster ARD
link to the TV-reports